Friday, October 26, 2012

Project Done! Whew!

Well, it was supposed to be for me but I got the measurement half the size it was supposed to be, so my small one is enjoying it and I'm glad she is.  I was about to repeat the same mistake and was five rows into it when I caught myself.  Yeowza!  This may be why I have a little trouble completing things after several times back tracking or undoing I get a bit frustrated.  But I haven't quit yet!  Now, I'm looking forward to my Christmas wrap and my small one likes being wrapped up in a granny blanket too.

Probably should block it. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012


No, I'm not talkin' pirates.  I'm talkin' frustration.  I have no pictures!  I mean, I have them but I cannot get them onto the computer.  But, I can still type! :D

So, as for projects, I have completed the shoulder straps for the bag and the dove training continues with slow success.  At least my daughter feels they love her and I call that a success.  I'm not sure why she feels this but I believe it's because they are not flying away from her as often.  All the tutorials on dove training say patience, patience, patience.  She has astounded me with a patience I would have never believed she had.  Doves, they're a good thing! :)

Oh, and I've made about 8 lavender sachets with scrap material and lavender we harvested from the garden.  :)


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More Silly Antics

Yes he's real. :)


Animal Antics Again

Well, the animal antics continue here at Tootle Park.  My little one was given a pair of doves for her birthday and the training has begun.  Right now we're in the first stage of training, just getting them used to us and making our hands the "safe place" to be.  I'm mentioning this because it is my latest project, or I should say it is my daughter's project that I must be involved in for awhile, therefore, it's keeping me from my project/s, mmmm, breathe.

Yes, this is a blog about projects.  Finding, starting, doing, sticking to them, and finishing projects.  My latest most latest project is even more pressing than the bag featured earlier in this blog (which I am still working on but I forgot it needed shoulder straps, Hello!) is the from-camera-to-computer process.  I'm getting closer.  I now know I need a card reader for the computer to read the camera's memory card.  I can still do pictures it's just painfully slow.

The moral:  Be as wise as an owl and gentle as a dove. :)
